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Latest Agency Express data shows property market heated up in July
This article is an external press release originally published on the Landlord News website, which has now been migrated to the Just Landlords blog.
There has been a spike in property sales across the UK during July, according to the latest Agency Express data.
The national month on month figures for properties ‘Sold’ were at 3.8%. New listings ‘For Sale’ saw a dip at -2.4%. However, the historical records for this index do show the declines made in July 2019 to be less than those recorded 12 months previous, when looking at yearly comparisons.
Looking at data from across the country, eight of the twelve regions recorded in the Property Activity Index have bucked the seasonal trend. Both new listings ‘For Sale’ and properties ‘Sold’ have reported increases.
Properties in the East Midlands have put the region at the top of this month’s leader board. Figures for new listings were at a robust 21.7% and properties ‘Sold’ were at 10.7%. This spike in figures marked the largest increase in activity fir July since the index’s records began in 2012.
Other regional hotspots include:
New listings ‘For Sale’
- North West 9.3%
- Scotland 9.2%
- Yorkshire & Humberside 7.1%
- West Midlands 6.5%
- Wales 5.9%
- North East 2.1%
- South West 0.8%
Properties ‘Sold’
- East Anglia 12.1%
- Yorkshire & Humberside 10.2%
- London 5.2%
- South East 4%
- South West 3.7%
- North West 2.8%
- Wales 1.2%
The largest declines seen in the Property Activity Index for July this year were recorded in Central England. The new listings have fallen to -18.3% and properties ‘Sold’ have dropped to -2.7%. However, while the month on month decline is significant, figures recorded over a three-month rolling period still remain buoyant. The same goes for the year on year figures.