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Landlords are Using New App to Get Rid of Clutter
This article is an external press release originally published on the Landlord News website, which has now been migrated to the Just Landlords blog.
This week, we’ve received some good news from our friends at the Gone for Good app on how our readers are helping charities and getting rid of clutter.
Landlords are Using New App to Get Rid of Clutter
Earlier in the summer, we announced the launch of a new smartphone app that is dedicated to supporting charities, saving the environment and helping you get rid of unwanted goods in your home. Gone for Good is free to use and can help landlords who have leftover items in their properties.
Whether your tenants have left their belongings behind, or you need to get rid of some furniture, Gone for Good is an easy way to donate items to charity for free. Simply download the app, take a photo of your item on the app and your chosen charity will collect the goods direct from your door! Find out more here: www.goneforgood.org.uk
Gone for Good has now been back in touch with us to let us know that landlords from our site have used the app to do some good for local charities and the environment. If you heard about Gone for Good on Landlord News, remember to select it in the drop-down menu on the app so that they know who is making a difference.
The app has now sent a call-out to landlords and homeowners across the country to have a clear out and donate to charities.
With summer almost behind us, attention is quickly turning to Christmas. For charity shops, this period is an important time to raise money for good causes, but they are often held back by a lack of the right stock.
Gone for Good’s charity partners, including Cancer Research UK and Oxfam, are appealing for people to donate goods to them at this time.
The areas they most need support with are:
- Coats and jackets, heavy knitwear, hats and scarves
- General menswear
- Furniture
- General homewares
If you need to get rid of any unwanted items from your property, why not use Gone for Good to make a real difference?
We would like to thank all of our readers who have supported the app on behalf of the Gone for Good team.