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1/3 of tenants still funding energy efficiency improvements
This article is an external press release originally published on the Landlord News website, which has now been migrated to the Just Landlords blog.
One third of tenants have recently forked out for energy efficiency improvements in their property, despite Government legislation permitting landlords of F and G rated homes to make these alterations.
The legislation, which came into effect on April 1st 2016, permits tenants to request a more efficient property. Should the landlord fail to comply with improvement requests, they could be required to pay a penalty fine.
An investigation carried out by PropertyLetByUs, indicates that one in six tenants have paid for roof insulation. 7% have paid for double-glazing, with a whopping 92% paying for draft excluders for their windows and doors. 71% said they have made payments in order for their boiler to be repaired.
Further data from the report suggests that 88% of tenants want their landlord to install a more fuel-efficient boiler. 78% wish to have a draughty door replaced, 72% want loft insurance and 48% are after double-glazed windows.
Government officials predict that it could cost landlords between £1,800 and £5,000 in order to bring homes with an F and G rating up to an E rating.
1/3 of tenants still funding energy efficiency improvements
A PropertyLetByUs spokesperson said, ‘our research shows that it is failing on tenants to pay for energy improvements to their rented properties which is simply unacceptable. Many tenants are finding that their landlords are refusing to make improvements to the property, leaving tenants no choice but to dip into their own pockets.’[1]
‘Tenants should not have to pay for roof insulation and repairs to old boilers when it is the landlord’s responsibility. The Government has recently given guidelines on the costs with a typical package of measures for a small semi. Gas central heating and low energy lighting is estimated at £4,000, loft insulation at £300 and cavity wall insulation at about £500. The Government will need to put measures in place to ensure that landlords are compliant-or the financial burden on tenants could be even greater.’[1]
‘Landlords should comply with the current legislation that requires them to make energy efficiency improvements and they also should start improving their properties, if they have an EPC rating of F or G, so they are brought up to the required standard by 2018.’[1]
[1] http://www.propertyreporter.co.uk/property/a-third-of-tenants-still-funding-energy-efficiency-improvements.html