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LGA want new powers to deter rogue landlords
This article is an external press release originally published on the Landlord News website, which has now been migrated to the Just Landlords blog.
The Local Government Association (LGA) has slammed the legislative system currently in place for dealing for rogue landlords.
Branding the system as, ‘unfit for purpose,’ the LGA believe that it should be replaced with a national database, which would cover all housing-related convictions.
Rogue landlords are, according to the LGA, being stopped from working in certain regions but then being free to move to others and continue their unscrupulous dealings. At present, local authorities do not have the power to prevent this.
However, a database listing landlords who are subjected to banning orders is already in the Housing and Planning bill. Councils want this to be extended to include private landlords who have been convicted of other housing-related crimes.
Further research from the LGA also showed the slow process of prosecuting rogue landlords. This can take up to 16 months and can be very costly to the council.
For example, Wolverhampton City Council found a property with 11 contraventions. The council then fined the landlord £2,600 but was left facing a bill of £5,500 in costs.
LGA want new powers to deter rogue landlords
As such, the LGA is calling for:
- A more strenuous fit and proper persons check to hunt out rogue landlords at an early stage
- Letting agents to be bound by the same legislation as estate agents
- Harsher sentencing guidelines for magistrates
- A larger set of penalties
‘A national information pool of rogue landlords is urgently needed so councils can identify the serial rogue operators and target them more effectively,’ said LGA environment spokesman Councillor Peter Box. ‘We are calling for a system which protects the good landlords, whose reputation is being dragged down by the bad ones.’[1]
Box went on to say, ‘councils are doing everything they can to tackle rogue landlords. However, they are being let down by the current system, which fails to account for the seriousness of the situation. Local authorities have found home with fire escape doors opening out onto three-storey drops and without proper front doors, so tenants have discovered strangers sleeping on their sofas.’ He feels action must be taken as at present rogue landlords are, ‘calculating they can keep these sub-standard properties going while the cash comes in and walk away with effectively a slap on the wrist.’[1]
[1] https://www.landlordtoday.co.uk/breaking-news/2015/12/councils-call-for-new-powers-to-tackle-rogue-landlords