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Energy efficiency compliance deadlines revealed
This article is an external press release originally published on the Landlord News website, which has now been migrated to the Just Landlords blog.
The Government has recently announced new information for landlords regarding energy efficiency compliance in rental accommodation.
Previously, it was announced that by April 2018, it would become a criminal offence to let out a property with an F or G property rating at the beginning of a new tenancy agreement.
Now, the Residential Landlords’ Association has said the Government has issued new dates for the next energy bands. These are as follows:
- April 2020-the minimum requirement of an E or above rated property will apply to both new and existing lets
- 2025- Properties will need to be brought up to an energy efficiency of D or above
- 2030-Minimum target of all rental properties to be at least a C energy efficiency rating
However, the RLA has expressed concern over the accuracy of EPC’s. Richard Jones, policy advisor and company secretary of the RLA, noted that, ‘the Building Research Establishment estimates that around 100,000 properties have an incorrect F and G rating so these ratings should be better than they are.’[1]
Energy efficiency compliance deadlines revealed
‘This means some of those currently rated at the lowest banding Band G ought to be reclassified as Band F and quite a number of those that are in Band F do in fact meet the Band E requirement,’ he continued. ‘We are making repeated representations to the Government on this issue because we firmly believe that EPC’s must be accurate before compulsion is brought in.’[1]
In addition, Jones believes landlords and agents acting on their behalf are permitted to work out the best way to adhere to these newly announced deadlines.
‘If you carry out improvements piece by piece, going first to Band E and then subsequently Band D and then onto Band C a different approach is required than if you carry out a whole house improvement to go straight to Band C from the outset,’ he concluded.[1]
[1] https://www.lettingagenttoday.co.uk/breaking-news/2016/1/new-deadlines-revealed-for-lettings-sector-energy-efficiency-compliance