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Tenants’ dream features revealed in new survey
This article is an external press release originally published on the Landlord News website, which has now been migrated to the Just Landlords blog.
A good-sized garden. A garage or a driveway to park the car on. The waft of seaside air in the lungs.
These three things have been identified as some of the key features representing tenants’ dream characteristics when renting a home.
A report by Property Let By Us.com shows that one-third of tenants would like to live in rented accommodation by the sea. 25% wanted a rural setting, with 18% preferring a cul-de-sac. 7% said they wanted a nice housing estate, with 5% wanting to live in a suburban location.
When asked about domestic features, nearly two-third of respondents said that off-road parking was their main desire. However, this feature was beaten by the number of tenants wanting a property with a garage (72%). A good-sized garden (41%), shed (35%), a big kitchen (30%) and superfast broadband (28%) came next in the list of desirable amenities.
Tenants’ dream features revealed in new survey
Jane Morris, Managing Director of PropertyLetByUS.com, noted that the survey provided some, ‘interesting findings that might surprise landlords. A property by the sea, or in a rural location, is a dream for many home owners and tenants. Landlords that own properties in these locations, or provide some of these most desired domestic appliances, will be spoilt for choice when finding new tenants.’[1]
Clearly, landlords have the opportunity to enhance their properties and boost their rental income by adding some of these dream domestic features. Superfast broadband for example is becoming widely available and many rural locations are being connected over the next two years. Storage such as sheds and garages is high on the wanted list, especially for families,’ Morris added.[1]
[1] http://www.propertyreporter.co.uk/landlords/what-would-make-a-dream-home-for-a-tenant.html