This article is an external press release originally published on the Landlord News website, which has now been migrated to the Just Landlords blog.
A senior relocation and human resources expert is the latest person to pour scorn on the Right to Rent scheme.
Tony Coe, chief executive of relocation company Saunders 1865, feels the scheme will fail to change the behaviour of many rogue landlords. Instead, he believes the introduction of the scheme will only add more red tape to the sector.
Coe also feels that companies with overseas staff working in Britain for short periods will find extra bureaucracy.
Mr Coe said, ‘what it will do is add unnecessary red tape, lead to delayed travel for staff plus more complex and expensive transactions. The major concern for anyone in HR relocating international staff to the UK is this-assignees not being allowed into rental homes due to landlord fears over contravening the Right to Rent laws.’[1]
HR expert latest to slam Right To Rent
‘Right to Rent is supposed to stop illegal immigrants from depleting the UK’s scarce supply of rental homes yet it may cause difficulties for bona fide businesses who are attempting to legally relocate employees to the UK,’ he added. [1]
Concluding, Mr Coe stated, ‘in my opinion, Right To Rent will not change the behavior of landlords who rent to illegal immigrants one iota.’[1]