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Two-thirds of tenants saving for own property
This article is an external press release originally published on the Landlord News website, which has now been migrated to the Just Landlords blog.
An interesting new report suggests that over two-thirds of tenants are saving for a deposit and are willing to move away from family and friends to get onto the property ladder.
A study conducted by PropertyLetByUs.com, one of the leading online letting agents, also shows that just under a third of tenants have given up on owning their own home.
46% of tenants said that they would only be able to afford a property if they were to move to a cheaper area. One in six said that they would consider a lodger to help them with their mortgage costs.
When asked how long they thought it would take to purchase a property, one third said within the next two years. Almost 20% said that they would be able to afford a home in the next three years, with 4% thinking it would take five years.
Over half of tenants aspire to move up the rental ladder before buying their own home, with 51% stating their intent to move to a nicer property when they can.
Two-thirds of tenants saving for own property
Jane Morris, Managing Director of PropertyLetByUs.com, noted, ‘despite the recent media attention on Generation Rent, our research shows that the majority of tenants are actively saving for a deposit and are looking to buy a property in the next five years.’[1]
‘Savvy tenants recognise that they may have to look further afield for properties they can afford. Many are prepared to move to areas that are some distance from their friends and families,’ Morris continued.[1]
Morris went on to point out, ‘the latest stats how that a growing number of young people are renting for longer. According to PwC, almost 60% of 20-39 year-olds in England will rent their homes by 2025, while just 26% will have got on the housing ladder. This younger age group will find it increasingly difficult to buy and are likely to be older than previous generations, before they can afford their own home.’[1]
Concluding, Morris said, ‘what is clear is that the majority of tenants still aspire to purchasing a property. But many tenants recognise that they will have to make sacrifices and compromise, so they can afford to buy a home of their own.’[1]
[1] http://www.propertyreporter.co.uk/landlords/majority-of-tenants-saving-for-first-home.html