This article is an external press release originally published on the Landlord News website, which has now been migrated to the Just Landlords blog.
A new mortgage range has today been announced at Accord Mortgages.
The firm has brought in a new five-year fixed rate residential range. This includes the option of extra incentives on selected products.
This new range is available to borrowers with a 25% or 20% deposit and all come with a fee of £845. The range is available for purchase or remortgage and comes with reductions of up to 0.65% on currently available five-year options.
Products start from 2.49% at 75% LTV, rising to 3.39% up to 90% LTV.
New mortgage range launched at Accord
Those borrowers looking to buy a home with a 5% deposit can get a 4.49% five-year fixed rate mortgage. This is available with no product fee and £750 cashback on completion and free standard valuation. Additionally, first-time buyers will get a further £500 cashback on completion, bringing the total cashback on offer to £1,250
What’s more, there are also reductions on Accord’s three-year fixed mortgage range, with incentives for those able to raise a 20% or 25% deposit.
David Robinson, National Intermediary Sales Manager at Accord, said, ‘we are always looking at ways to offer borrowers value for money and we believe that these mortgages will prove very attractive to those customers who are looking for a competitive rate with the security of knowing what the exact repayments will be for the next five years.’[1]
‘We believe these changes provide borrowers with a wide range of competitive options and will prove extremely popular with brokers,’ Robinson added.