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Rogue leaseholders of HMO fined £120,000
This article is an external press release originally published on the Landlord News website, which has now been migrated to the Just Landlords blog.
The leaseholders and landlords of a 10-flat property in north London have been fined £120,000 after complete disregard of their responsibilities.
Idris Raza, TISHK Limited and Hanasa Limited were found guilty at Willesden Magistrates Court of ignoring a Prohibition Order. Despite this notice, there were still tenants living in the 10 studio flats located in the Golders Green area of the capital.
After a complaint from a tenant in one of the flats, Barnet council found the accommodation to be in an inadequate condition and poorly managed.
The magistrates said that Raza had shown reckless behaviour as an individual and as a director of both TISHK and Hanasa Ltd. It was uncovered that very serious harm would have been extremely likely should a fire have broken out in the property, with up to 20 people potentially losing their lives.
In addition, the magistrates said that the tenants’ financial situation had left them vulnerable.
Rogue leaseholders of HMO fined £120,000
Risks reported to the court included inadequate fire separation between rooms, four studios with no external windows, broken ceiling panels and faulty locks on studio doors.
Alongside failing to comply with the Prohibition Order, the leaseholders and landlords were found to have breached the Houses in Multiple Occupation Regulations 2007.
All three defendants were found guilty and fined a total of £120,000, with costs of £21,660 and a surcharge of £360.