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Almost half of tenants fall out with their landlord
This article is an external press release originally published on the Landlord News website, which has now been migrated to the Just Landlords blog.
Nearly half of all private rented sector tenants in Britain have admitted to either falling or arguing with their landlord, according to new research.
In addition, the majority said that they would move if their relationship broke down, the investigation from Lightbulbs Direct indicates.
49% of those asked said that they have argued with their landlord, while 89% said that they would consider moving. 18% said that they felt their landlord was unapproachable.
What’s more, the investigation revealed the most frequent reasons for tenants calling their landlord:
- Damaged window – 66%
- Asking permission to decorate – 49%
- Broken appliances – 46%
- Blocked toilets – 44%
- Dirty properties -33%
More unusual reasons included asking to hang photographs on the wall (16%), wanting screws on doors tightening (8%) and moving furniture (7%).
Almost half of tenants fall out with their landlord
With regard to disagreement, it appears that the younger generation is more likely to fall out with their landlord.
The research discovered that 65% of 18-24 year olds and 66% of 25-34 year olds have argued with their landlord. This is in comparison to 36% of 55-64 year olds and 34% of people aged 65% or over.
Furthermore, the survey shows that 24% of UK renters have missed a rental payment at some period. Those aged between 25-34 were most likely to do so, at 44%, in comparison to 5% of those over 65.
David Tetlow, ecommerce manager at Lightbulbs Direct, feels that it is important for tenants to find out about their landlord before signing an agreement.
Tetlow said that this will, ‘Help to understand how approachable they’re going to be in a crisis. You should always take the time to research and understand your rights as a tenant and your landlord’s rights to avoid any difficult situations in the future too.’[1]
[1] http://www.propertywire.com/news/uk/almost-half-tenants-uk-fall-landlord-point-research-suggests/