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Ban on letting agent fees confirmed in Queen’s Speech
This article is an external press release originally published on the Landlord News website, which has now been migrated to the Just Landlords blog.
The Queen’s Speech has taken place today, with her Majesty seemingly confirming the pledge to introduce a ban on letting agents’ fees levied on tenants in England.
Outlining the Government’s proposals for the next two years, the Queen mentioned the fees ban- announced by Chancellor Phillip Hammond in November.
A consultation on the proposed ban closed during the recent General Election campaign. However, there has been no news on the contents of any responses.
Some industry members hoped that the failure of Theresa May to secure a majority would mean the end for the proposals, but today’s announcement shows it remains firmly on the agenda.
The draft Tenants’ Fees Ban bill includes a reference that alludes to, ‘banning landlords and agents from requiring tenants to pay letting fees as a condition of their tenancy.’ It also says there may be – subject to approval from Parliament- a provision for tenants to be able to recover unlawfully charged fees.
Ban on letting agent fees confirmed in Queen’s Speech
There was also no specific reference to Tory manifesto pledges such as: ‘We will crack down on unfair practices in leasehold, such as escalating ground rents’ or: ‘encouraging landlords to offer longer tenancies as standard.’
The Queen did however announce a commitment from the Government to build more properties.