This article is an external press release originally published on the Landlord News website, which has now been migrated to the Just Landlords blog.
A landlord from Bolton has been fined £1,500 after a fatal fire in one of his rental properties.
Andrew Turnstall was given the hefty fine following the blaze which tragically killed a 49 year-old father of two.
Following the fire, inspectors and the local council went to the property and found there had been a number of fire safety breaches.
The smoke alarm had been switched off by a previous tenant, in order for them to be able to smoke in the property without incident. During the investigation, the court heard that there was no suggestion that Turnstall had turned the alarm off himself.
Mr Turnstall did however admit to not servicing a fire extinguisher and having no fire blanket in the property.
Bolton landlord fined after fatal fire
Catherine Waudby, prosecuting for Bolton Council, said, ‘during the inspection a number of contravention of the regulations were noted in both the common parts and the flats.’[1]
‘Whilst it is appreciated that some of these will have been caused by tenants or visitors, the number of issues identified at the property, particularly those relating to fire safety, clearly suggests that the level of management was not to a satisfactory standard and had resulted in a number of contraventions,’ Waudby added.[1]