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Britain’s favourite property TV shows are revealed
This article is an external press release originally published on the Landlord News website, which has now been migrated to the Just Landlords blog.
A fun new survey conducted by My Home Move has revealed the UK’s favourite property-related television shows and presenters.
The investigation, conducted by the research agency Gorkana, quizzed 700 members of the UK public to pick their favourite property television show, presenter and iconic home.
Property Favourites
DIY SOS, fronted by Nick Knowles, was voted as Britain’s favourite television property show. Coming in a close second was Grand Designs, while Homes Under the Hammer was back in third.
The top five most popular property television shows, as per Gorkana’s research, were found to be:
Show | Percentage of votes |
DIY SOS | 19% |
Grand Designs | 18% |
Homes Under the Hammer | 17% |
Location, Location, Location | 16% |
Escape to the Country | 9% |
In terms of presenter, Nick Knowles made it a double for DIY SOS, perhaps surprisingly beatinh Kirstie and Phil from Location, Location, Location into third and fourth position respectively.
Britain’s favourite property show presenters were found to be:
Presenter | Percentage of votes |
Nick Knowles (DIY SOS) | 21% |
Kevin McCloud (Grand Designs) | 12% |
Kirstie Allsopp (Location, Location, Location) | 10% |
Phil Spencer (Location, Location, Location) | 10% |
Martin Roberts (Homes Under the Hammer) | 9% |
Britain’s favourite property TV shows are revealed
Doug Crawford, CEO of My Home Move, observed: ‘Property is a very British obsession, so naturally there are many programmes on our television dedicated to properties of all shapes and sizes. What the results show is that property is aspirational; whether it’s improving the properties that we own or building and buying the properties we dream about.’[1]
Dream Homes
In addition, respondents to the survey were asked what ideal property would make up their ideal home.
The fictional estate in Downton Abbey came in first, followed by the Southfork Ranch, as seen in Dallas. Harry Potter’s Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry came in third.
Continuing, Mr Crawford said: ‘The properties the Nation has chosen as their dream homes are interesting, as they are all unique in their own ways. Home ownership and the type of property we own in the UK has typically been an indicator of social status; the bigger the property is, the more successful we are, so it’s no surprise that the Nation’s dream home is that of the Earl of Grantham.’[1]
Concluding, he noted: ‘It seems that while the public prefers the ‘good-news’ story of people coming together to help those in needs, the industry recognises and uses the educational value of property shows. Either way, the Nation’s obsession with property continues to be reflected in the variety of property shows on our screens, and I am sure we will see more of them in the years to come.’[1]
[1] http://www.propertyreporter.co.uk/property/what-is-the-uks-favourite-property-tv-show.html