This article is an external press release originally published on the Landlord News website, which has now been migrated to the Just Landlords blog.

Private landlords are being offered a new local authority accreditation scheme from Durham County Council, at a cost of at least £150.
The voluntary Private Landlord Accreditation Scheme will provide advice and support, and is being rolled out across the county after a six-month pilot in one area.
The scheme will require landlords to meet a code of practice. This will ensure tenants and prospective renters know their landlord provides a good quality service and high standard accommodation.
Landlords who enter the scheme will receive guidance and access to a tenant referencing service. They will also be supported in cases of anti-social behaviour, among other benefits.
Those that meet the code of practice will be added to the Council’s Durham Key Options website, named the “main gateway for people seeking social housing” and for “tenants looking for rental properties in the county.”1
For this, landlords must pay £150 if they own one to ten rental properties, and up to £500 for over 100 properties.
A Council spokesperson says: “The Private Landlord Accreditation Scheme is a win-win situation for the rental market in County Durham.”1