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The DPS Donates £19,000 to Charities in Brighton and Devon
This article is an external press release originally published on the Landlord News website, which has now been migrated to the Just Landlords blog.
The Deposit Protection Service (DPS) has donated £19,000 to charities in Brighton and Devon.
A home and its grounds in Honiton, Devon, which are run by charity SeeAbility, are being refurbished following a £7,993 donation.
The DPS Donates £19,000 to Charities in Brighton and Devon
A further £11,000 is being used to fund specialist support from YMCA DownsLink Group – Youth Advice Centre in Brighton and Hove.
The Head of Tenancy Deposit Protection at the DPS, Daren King, comments: “The DPS has given over £200,000 to good causes since we established our charity fund in 2014.
“We believe that everyone has the right to live life to the full, and we were really excited to visit Devon to see how our donation is helping SeeAbility’s fantastic work.”
He adds: “We’re also delighted to be supporting YMCA DownsLink Group – Youth Advice Centre’s fantastic work in helping LGBT young people find a home in Brighton and Hove.”
SeeAbility aims to support people with a combination of sight loss and visual impairment, learning difficulties and physically difficulties, to reach their aspirations, and has over 20 residential homes and supported living facilities across the south of England.
The Partnership Executive of SeeAbility, Rebecca Compton, says: “The paved path that encircles the property in Honiton has become uneven, creating great difficulty for people with sight loss and wheelchair users.
“We’re really grateful to the DPS for this generous donation, which has helped us repair the path and undertake other vital improvements that will help our residents live independently.”
YMCA DownsLink Group – Youth Advice Centre is a “one-stop shop” for advice and information for young people aged 13-25 in the City of Brighton and Hove.
The Advice Services Manager at YMCA DownsLink Group – Youth Advice Centre, Julia Harrison, explains their cause: “LGBT young people account for 13% of the total number of clients accessing our housing service, with a 50% increase in transgender clients since April 2016.
“The DPS’s generous donation will help reduce youth homelessness and empower LGBT young people to be aware of their rights and responsibilities as tenants.”
The DPS’s fund assists charities that support the homeless and those who need help to live independently, and good causes across the UK have benefitted from donations from the DPS and its sister organisations, the Letting Protection Service Scotland and Northern Ireland, over the last three years.
Charities in the housing sector can apply for funds via this link: www.depositprotection.com/charity
Applications for the next round of awards must be submitted by 31st March 2017.