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East Midlands landlords are being invited to a free event
This article is an external press release originally published on the Landlord News website, which has now been migrated to the Just Landlords blog.
Landlords in the East Midlands are being invited to attend a free event, which is offering mortgage, tax and legislation advice.
This event is being provided by Kingswood Residential Investment Management, OCS Wealth Management and Wren Accountancy. It is to be held at the NBV Enterprise Centre on Tuesday 3rd October, with sessions taking place at 11am and 6pm.
These firms decided to join together to host the event, in response to concerns from their clients surrounding the changing landscape of property investment.
Paul Gayton of Wren Accountancy noted: ‘The event offers a unique opportunity to gain expert advice and insights into the property market. While landlords need to be given a briefing on the changes which are affecting their investment choices, the buy to let market in Nottinghamshire continues to provide potential and offer a wise investment option as part of a pension portfolio.’[1]
Adam Kingswood, owner of Kingswood Residential Investment Management, fears that the raft of legislation being implemented on the sector could drive reputable landlords out of the market. In addition, he is worried that that many more will deterred from entering.
East Midlands landlords are being invited to a free event
He observed: ‘Being impacted at national level with stamp duty reforms and changes to landlord’s mortgage tax relief, through to the Nottingham City Council’s selective licensing at a local level, we see investors being constantly bombarded with information and it can be incredibly confusing.’
‘It’s our intention to use this briefing to help clients manage the changes by being well informed and prepared.’
You can access your tickets here.
[1] https://www.landlordtoday.co.uk/breaking-news/2017/9/free-advice-event-for-landlords-and-investors