Encourage recycling in rented homes to help the environment

If you are a private landlord looking to encourage recycling in rented homes, have a think about what changes you can make.
You cannot control how your tenants decide to live. As long as it does not break the law or your tenancy agreement, they should feel free to make your property their home. However, by providing the right tools, you can at least find a way to encourage recycling in rented homes.
As Barack Obama once said, “Change will not come if we wait for some other person.”
Welcome packs for tenants
It can often be easier to adapt to new habits if you’ve already been provided with the tools needed to do so. Providing useful items as a welcome pack for new tenants might help.
Reusable shopping bags might be appreciated when they’ve just moved in. That first trip to the supermarket to stock up the fridge and freezer can be a big one!
Travel mugs can be useful for when they’ve just moved in and are yet to unpack. Also, some coffee shops offer discounts to those who bring their own mug, as it allows them to cut down on the amount of waste disposable cups and lids.
Check the property has the correct council bins
Different councils will have different coloured bins that can be collected on different days. For example, black for general waste, blue for standard recycling, and brown for garden recycling.
By making sure these are accessible by your tenants, you’re helping to make it as simple as possible for them to recycle. You might also want to include a link to the local council’s bin collection web page in a welcome email, in case they are new to the area.
Other ways to help the environment as a property owner
As well as recycling, think about the energy usage of your property. What’s the current rating on your property’s Energy Performance Certificate (EPC)? Could it be improved?
Legislation was introduced in 2018 preventing new leases for homes with an EPC rating lower than E. This is part of the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES).
As well as a legal requirement that helps the environment, it might also help reduce the cost of energy bills. This could be a great point to advertise when looking for new tenants.
If you haven’t already, consider installing double-glazed windows, a more efficient boiler, and better insulation in attics and lofts. Every house is different, so you might want to assess which improvements would bring the most benefits.
Disclaimer: The opinions and views expressed in the above article are those of the author only and are for guidance purposes only. The author disclaims any liability for reliance upon those opinions and would encourage readers to rely upon more than one source before making a decision based on the information.