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Future of buy-to-let positive, landlords suggest
This article is an external press release originally published on the Landlord News website, which has now been migrated to the Just Landlords blog.
Further defiance from buy-to-let investors in the face of today’s increases in Stamp Duty alterations has been recorded by new research from Aldermore.
A study of nearly 1,000 landlords by YouGov on behalf of Aldermore looked at how the changes have affected existing and would-be investors. Questions asked included if landlords would increase rents, look to sell their property and how they thought the sector would evolve in the future.
70% of respondents to the survey noted that they expect the number of tenants in the private rented sector to rise in the next five years. 33% feel that the gross value of the buy-to-let market will fall in the next twelve months.
63% of landlords in the UK said they only own one investment property, which they rent out. 95% of respondents said they had five or less properties in their portfolio.
Future of buy-to-let positive, landlords suggest
Charles Haresnape, group managing director for mortgages at Aldermore observed that the figures, ‘show that the majority of landlords believe there is nothing to fear for the future of the buy-to-let market in the UK.’ He feels, ‘it is clear that the vast majority of landlords fall into the accidental category and as such would be unaffected by upcoming changes as they are not actively looking to build a rental portfolio.’[1]
‘With 70% expecting the number of people in the private rented sector to rise over the next five years, it is vital that regulation does not stifle this hugely important segment of the UK housing market, particularly at a time of significant constraints,’ he continued.[1]
Concluding, Haresnape said, ‘the majority of our buy-to-let customers are committed long-term landlords. While they will obviously not welcome an increase in stamp duty, over the course of a 20 year investment the sums remain relatively small and are unlikely to significantly affect the buy-to-let market.’[1]
[1] https://www.landlordtoday.co.uk/breaking-news/2016/3/btl-market-has-strong-future-say-landlords