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Good Landlords Will be Protected by Changes to Right to Rent Scheme
This article is an external press release originally published on the Landlord News website, which has now been migrated to the Just Landlords blog.

Good Landlords Will be Protected by Changes to Right to Rent Scheme
Members of Parliament have confirmed that good landlords will be protected by changes made to the Right to Rent scheme.
Measures to provide greater protection for responsible landlords looking to evict illegal immigrant tenants have now been approved, reports the Residential Landlords Association (RLA).
The changes to the Immigration Bill, proposed by the Government and approved on Monday, will defend those landlords that take reasonable steps in an appropriate timeframe to terminate tenancies of those living in the UK illegally.
Previous under Right to Rent law, landlords or letting agents would face immediate criminal sanctions upon discovery that they had failed to ensure their tenants had the right to rent property in this country, before having the opportunity to evict them.
The RLA campaigned for the change, which was approved by the Government last month.
Additionally, it is believed that further changes will be made to the Right to Rent scheme, after confusion was raised in the House of Lords. We will continue to keep you updated on all changes to landlord law.
The Policy Director at the RLA, David Smith, says: “The RLA warmly welcomes the Government’s pragmatic changes to its Right to Rent scheme that will provide protection for good landlords from the unintended consequences of the policy. It is particularly helpful that the changes were approved by MPs without a vote; a sign of cross party support for the measure.”
Landlords and letting agents are obliged to conduct immigration checks on all prospective tenants. It is vital that you understand your legal duties and comply with the Right to Rent scheme. For more advice, we have tips on how to carry out the checks: /remember-comply-right-rent-rules/