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Government Announces Plans for More Energy Efficient Homes
This article is an external press release originally published on the Landlord News website, which has now been migrated to the Just Landlords blog.
The Government has announced plans to create more energy efficient homes under its Clean Growth Strategy.
Elmhurst Energy, a leading energy performance measurement specialist, has welcomed the plans.
Government Announces Plans for More Energy Efficient Homes
The Department for Business Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) issued its long awaited Clean Growth Strategy to establish a way to achieve a low carbon future for the UK. The strategy provides a view of the future energy efficiency landscape and underlines some long-term goals for the Government.
Elmhurst Energy has particularly welcomed the commitment to make as many homes as possible at least a C rating on the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) scale by 2035 where practical, cost effective and affordable.
The document also outlined further changes in the property sector, including:
- Continued support for the Energy Company Obligation (ECO) policy.
- Improve standards in new boiler installations.
- A consultation in 2018 on how to make the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES) in the private rental sector more effective.
- A clear link between cold homes and ill health, which costs the NHS £760m per year.
- The 2032 Pathway, which could see millions more properties insulated, especially those in fuel poverty.
- A commitment for a review of building regulations for energy efficiency, following the current review on regulations (The Grenfell Review) for both domestic and non-domestic buildings.
- Work with the industry to enable the Each Home Counts review.
- Use smart meter data to promote energy efficiency.
- Reform of Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) to focus on long-term decarbonisation.
The Technical Director of Elmhurst Energy, Stuart Fairlie, says: “Elmhurst Energy welcomes the long-term commitments and goals set out by Government in this important document.
“Our members produce EPCs and calculations, and these are the measuring tape by which this nation can start to make informed decisions about all our buildings. The content of this strategy, and the press coverage given to possible reduction in Stamp Duty for energy efficient homes, is moving towards what Elmhurst has been pushing for – tasty carrots, scary sticks and lots of noise to ensure the message is both heard and actioned.”
Do you support the Government’s plans to make more homes energy efficient?