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HMO Landlord in Reading Fined £5,700 over Disrepair
This article is an external press release originally published on the Landlord News website, which has now been migrated to the Just Landlords blog.
A landlord and his firm have been prosecuted by Reading Borough Council and ordered to pay £5,700 by magistrates after failing to meet national safety standards regarding a House in Multiple Occupation (HMO).
HMO Landlord in Reading Fined £5,700 over Disrepair
The company, JV Chandler & Co Builders Ltd, and one of its directors, James Victor Chandler, based in Woodley, were prosecuted on 12th February at Reading Magistrates’ Court for failing to maintain a HMO on London Road, Reading.
Chandler and the firm pleaded guilty to nine charges, including the disrepair of a kitchen ceiling, broken doors, faulty electrical sockets, poorly maintained drains, leaking pipes, obstructed fire escapes and a damaged roof with missing slates.
The building company and director were fined a total of £2,700 and ordered to pay costs of £3,000.
The case is the latest prosecution by Reading Borough Council of rogue landlords that put their tenants’ health and safety at risk. The council warns landlords of HMOs that they must comply with the law or face severe consequences.
The Lead Councillor for Housing at Reading Borough Council, Richard Davies, states: “The private rented sector is large in Reading, and is a rapidly growing market.
“The council values the contribution made by well managed and licensed HMOs within the local housing market and will continue to monitor the occupation of these types of property to ensure they maintain a high standard of accommodation.”
He adds: “Unfortunately, there are a few who do not meet the standards their tenants have a right to expect. We take our regulatory duties for HMOs very seriously and will prosecute those who flout the law.”1
You will find all of the latest landlord law and regulations at LandlordNews.co.uk.
1 http://www.reading.gov.uk/PRLandlordFined