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HMRC’s Landlord Tax Campaign Brings In Over £50m
This article is an external press release originally published on the Landlord News website, which has now been migrated to the Just Landlords blog.

A HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) campaign, aimed at helping buy-to-let landlords get their taxes in order, has brought in over £50m since its launch.
The Let Property Campaign, introduced in September 2013, is one of the tax authority’s most successful voluntary disclosure opportunities.
More than 10,000 landlords have disclosed tax on previously undeclared income through the scheme.
To further assist landlords, HMRC has announced that it will be hosting a Twitter Q&A on Tuesday 20th October 2015 from 6pm to 9pm.
The session will be run in partnership with several landlord groups. Each organisation will have 30 minutes to answer questions concerning many aspects of renting out homes, offering essential advice for investors.
HMRC’s section on tax is from 6pm to 7pm on @HMRCcustomers.
Head of Campaigns at HMRC, Caroline Addison, says: “The Let Property Campaign bringing in more than £50m is further proof that our campaigns approach works. HMRC’s 20 campaigns have now together generated over £1 billion across a variety of sectors.
“We want to help educate landlords, so the Twitter evening will give people a chance to get their questions answered by a group of expert organisations.”1
Throughout the campaign, HMRC has written to over 80,000 landlords and more than 50,000 customers have used its online educational services.
If you have any questions, remember to be online for the session and follow us on Twitter @NewsLandlords