This article is an external press release originally published on the Landlord News website, which has now been migrated to the Just Landlords blog.

A landlord has been ordered to pay over £5,000 subsequent to admitting safety failings at a fire-hit house in Letchworth, Hertfordshire.
Lawrence Connors accepted that he had failed to comply with fire safety regulations when he appeared before Stevenage Magistrates.
Several tenants caused major damage to the property when it caught on fire on 6th November 2017, but luckily no one was injured.
When North Herts District Council’s environmental health team, working with firefighters, discovered that no fire safety measures had been implemented at the property, the council decided to take legal action against the landlord.
What were the consequences?
An emergency prohibition order was served to stop the building from being reoccupied due to the safety risk.
Magistrates chaired by David McDonald fined the 36-year-old landlord £3,500 and ordered him to make a payment of £1,407.29. He must also pay £120 surcharge, making a total bill of £5,027.29.
Councillor Bernard Lovewell, who is responsible for housing and environmental health at the district council, said: “It is vital that landlords make sure that all fire safety measures are put in place when renting out a property.
“It is extremely fortunate that no-one was hurt as a result of the fire at the property.
“Neglecting to do this not only puts tenants at serious risk but also breaks the law, and I hope this prosecution sends out a message to all landlords that they must take their responsibilities seriously.”
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For advice on how to ensure you’re compliant with safety standards, in addition to how you should carry out safety checks in your property, please visit our website and have a read of our informative guides for landlords.