A landlord’s guide to Energy Performance Certificates

Landlords need to ensure the Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) for their rented homes meet a certain standard in order to let to new tenants or continue existing tenancies.
Private rented homes in England and Wales need to have an EPC rating of E or higher.
An EPC is needed whenever a property is built, sold or rented. All landlords must order an Energy Performance Certificate for potential buyers or tenants before marketing their properties to sell or let.
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What information does an EPC contain?
An EPC includes information about a property’s energy use and typical energy costs. It also contains recommendations about how to reduce energy usage and save money.
It assigns the property an energy efficiency rating from A (most efficient) to G (least efficient). This is valid for ten years.
How do I get an Energy Performance Certificate?
You must find an accredited assessor to evaluate your property and produce the certificate.
Landlords with properties in England, Wales and Northern Ireland can visit the government website to find an EPC assessor.
Those with properties in Scotland can visit the Scottish EPC Register website to find an assessor.
Tenants’ rights to request energy efficiency improvements
Tenants can request consent from their landlords to conduct energy efficiency improvements in their properties. The landlord cannot unreasonably refuse consent.
However, it’s the responsibility of the tenant to ensure that the works are funded. The intention is that no upfront costs should fall on the landlord unless the landlord wishes to contribute.
Future minimum energy efficiency standards in the UK
The government’s aim is for as many private rented homes as possible to be upgraded to EPC Band C by 2030 in England and Wales.
Funding improvements
The government states that you will never be required to spend more than £3,500 (including VAT) on energy efficiency improvements.
If improvements will cost more than that, a landlord may have the option to make all the improvements that can be made up to that amount and then register for an ‘all improvements made’ exemption.
Other exemptions
It’s illegal to let a property that breaches this EPC requirement in England and Wales. Upgrades must be made to improve the rating unless there is an applicable exemption. This can include the following circumstances:
- The upgrades would devalue the property by more than 5%
- Recommended work has been carried out but the rating did not improve
- The mortgage lender will not approve the recommended upgrades
- The building is listed and the upgrades would ‘unacceptably alter’ the property’s character or appearance
If you believe your let falls into one of these categories, you can register it on the PRS Exemptions Register.
Penalties for non-compliance
If you fail to meet these regulations, a fine of up to £5,000 per property could be imposed for breaching EPC regulations.
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