This article is an external press release originally published on the Landlord News website, which has now been migrated to the Just Landlords blog.

Landlords, letting agents and tenants are being warned to be vigilant over new legislation regarding changes to air conditioning appliances.
From January 1st 2015, an EU regulation comes into force which prohibits the use of R22 in air conditioning units. R22 is a low-temperature refrigerant.
The warning has been issued by CS2, a leading chartered surveying firm, who are urging that a plan is in place to upgrade air conditioning systems if necessary. In addition, CS2 are advising tenants to check their dilapidation requirements outlined in their tenancy agreement, as many could be liable for keeping the maintaining air con systems. This could mean ensuring that the system is fully operational and could see many footing the bill for new appliances in the long run.
A statement from CS2 said that they, ‘expect to see many disputes on this issue over the next few years.’ Additionally, the statement said, ‘both landlords and tenants will need to thoroughly consider the wording of their leases to establish who will meet the expense, with repair clauses and statutory compliance clauses being particularly relevant.’[1]
CS2 is also advising landlords and agents acting on their behalf to check whether their existing system has been upgraded, or whether the upcoming changes will result in a further cost.
Besides falling into line with legislation, the new requirements could see improvements through changing the air conditioning system. Smaller maintenance bills, small energy consumption and longer service life are all positive results that will come from the new legislation.