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New application to aid Right to Rent checks
This article is an external press release originally published on the Landlord News website, which has now been migrated to the Just Landlords blog.
A new application has been launched by the Residential Landlords Association (RLA) to assist landlords in complying with their Right to Rent obligations.
The Inventory Plus app has been created in order for residential landlords to create and manage their property inventories on any device.
RLA Inventory Plus allows landlords to store inventories and tenants are able to sign reports remotely. The application also includes prompts alongside useful legal and practical advice.
In addition, the application is designed to help landlords to keep on the right side of the law in regards to Right to Rent.
As part of the Right to Rent service, the application:
- asks compliance questions and provides a walkthrough service
- is compliant with Home Office Immigration Act 2014
- avoids discrimination against legitimate tenants
- has a proof of document approval process
- sends email reminders prompting re-checks on time-limited tenants
- produces a PDF report that can be downloaded or emailed
- synchronises across desktop, tablet and phones
- comes with unlimited reporting for just £12.50 per year
New application to aid Right to Rent checks
Speaking at the Landlord and Letting Show at Aintree, Richard Abbotts of Inventory Plus said it was important for landlords to have this kind of service. Abbotts noted that tenants with time-limited visas in particular, ‘cause confusion and many landlords aren’t sure when to check.’[1]
Mr Abbots when on to say that there are, ‘many services online where you can buy fake driving licenses and even a fake HMRC certificate.’[1] The application therefore is programmed to check the authenticity in conjunction with the Home Office.
The RLA Inventory Plus application is available with a free 30 day trial. Further information on the application can be sourced by visiting www.rlainventoryplus.co.uk.
[1] Richard Abbots, Landlord and Letting Show, Aintree, 20.04.16