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New digital landlord registration system in Scotland goes live
This article is an external press release originally published on the Landlord News website, which has now been migrated to the Just Landlords blog.
A new digital application for a live register of landlords has ben launched in Scotland.
This application will make it much easier for anyone to search the public register of landlords, for landlords to apply for or renew their registration and for local authorities to update the register.
Developed by Registers of Scotland for the Scottish Government, the application is in tune with Government digital standards and can be accessed using a Smartphone, tablet or computer.
Kevin Stewart, minister for local Government and housing, said: ‘This new application provides a better and more accessible service for those who need to use it. Crucially, it will reduce the time that local authority staff need to spend administering the system, freeing them up to target those landlords who either don’t or won’t comply with the landlord registration requirements. That will help to improve standards for the 700,000 people whose home is in the private rented sector.’[1]
‘I am delighted by the collaboration between Registers of Scotland, the Scottish Government and local authorities on this project, and am grateful for the hard work of those who worked on it, including the many local authority landlord registration officers who helped to test it before it went live today,’ he added.[1]
New digital landlord registration system in Scotland goes live
Sheenagh Adams, Keeper of the Registers of Scotland, believes that by working closely with the Scottish Government and local authorities, the new application will bring significant benefits to the whole sector.
Adams observed: ‘The new application is a key part of our business transformation, utilising digital technologies that allow us to deliver even better value for the public. The collaboration has been extremely successful, and I would like to thank all of those involved for their hard work.’[1]
[1] https://www.landlordtoday.co.uk/breaking-news/2017/2/new-landlord-registration-system-goes-live