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New Landlord Licensing Scheme Announced in West Nottinghamshire
This article is an external press release originally published on the Landlord News website, which has now been migrated to the Just Landlords blog.

Ashfield District Council has recently announced a new selective landlord licensing scheme, to be introduced in two parts of the west Nottinghamshire area.
New Landlord Licensing Scheme Announced in West Nottinghamshire
Landlords renting out properties in Stanton Hill and Sutton Central will now have to pass a fit and proper person test before being granted a license.
The five-year licenses will cost a landlord £350, while those that belong to the East Midlands Landlords Accreditation Scheme will be charged a reduced rate of £250.
Under the selective licensing scheme, landlords will also have to take responsibility for the safety of their tenants by keeping their properties up to the appropriate standard and reacting to any anti-social behaviour.
Councillor Keir Morrison, the Portfolio Holder for Housing at Ashfield District Council, says: “The vast majority of private landlords who rent out properties in the district operate within the law and look after their tenants, but there are some who fail to provide housing to a decent standard and don’t act on bad tenant behaviour to those they lease their properties to.
“Any scheme would mean landlords and tenants have to act responsibly or face possible action from the council – ensuring landlords properly fulfil their responsibilities to provide housing at the correct standard and to deal with tenants who may be causing anti-social problems.”
Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue has also backed the landlord licensing scheme.
The Chief Fire Officer, John Buckley, comments: “Significant and persistent anti-social behaviour has long been associated with areas that have properties in a state of chronic disrepair.
“It is my view that the selective licensing scheme could improve the safety of homes and properties by addressing unsafe and irresponsible management practices conducted by a minority of landlords.”
If you are a landlord in the west Nottinghamshire area, be aware of the new selective licensing scheme and how it may affect you.
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