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New legal helpline for landlords launches
This article is an external press release originally published on the Landlord News website, which has now been migrated to the Just Landlords blog.
A new telephone service aimed at helping landlords to resolve issues efficiently and economically has been launched by a legal firm in London.
Property+Plus is a dedicated subscription based helpline providing legal advice for landlords and property owners. It aims to give up-to-date information on legal rights and statutory obligations regarding property, landlord and tenancy issues.
The helpline has been introduced by Romain Coleman Solicitors.
New legal helpline for landlords launches
Helping Hand
Chris Baldwin, partner and head of property at Romain Coleman, observed: ‘This [new helpline] is part of our continuing drive to give our property clients – whether landlords, homeowners or homebuyers – an extra helping hand with innovative support services.’[1]
‘Property+Plus can help landlords resolve property issues with minimal cost or fuss. From covenants in leases and repairing obligations to licensing law and tenancy disputes, we are looking to provide them with greater control over their property interests,’ Baldwin continued.[1]
Concluding, Baldwin said: ‘The helpline gives them rapid access to legal advice on a range of different property matters. They benefit from an experienced team of legal specialists who can help them protect their property interests with valuable insight and advice. They will be given either an immediate answer or a recommendation on which legal course of action to pursue.’[1]
[1] https://www.landlordtoday.co.uk/breaking-news/2017/5/new-legal-helpline-launched-for-landlords