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New Research Suggests Majority of Landlords Looking to Invest During 2020
This article is an external press release originally published on the Landlord News website, which has now been migrated to the Just Landlords blog.
Despite having a rough time for the past 18 months, it would appear that the buy-to-let market is heading in a positive direction finally.
The industry has had a turbulent 18 months, due to political and financial uncertainty, but new research from The National Landlord Investment Show has revealed that UK landlords are looking forward to this year, with a positive outlook on the future of the buy-to-let market.
The research found that 60% of landlords and investors that attended the show are intending to invest in property in 2020.
This goes against the overarching narrative presented by many other sources in the industry, they tend to dwell on high regulations in the private rental sector (PRS) and uncertainties around the UK PRS in a post-Brexit context.
However, there seems to be a growing sense of optimism. Over half (54%) of those surveyed said they are making an investment in property to pay for their retirement, whilst 27% say they are doing so to build for their childrens’ future.
Of those planning to invest in 2020, 70% said they would prefer to invest in residential property, which bodes well for those in the industry concerned by a landlord exodus. However, there has been an increase in the number of commercial landlords, with 23% now confirming that commercial properties make up part or all of their portfolios.
Tracey Hanbury, Director and Co-Founder of The National Landlord Investment Show shares her thoughts on the research findings:
“What this research has shown is that contrary to other opinions within the industry there are exciting times ahead for UK landlords and property professionals. There is no better time than now to engage and stay up to date with the UK’s buy-to-let market at our Landlord Investment Show”.