This article is an external press release originally published on the Landlord News website, which has now been migrated to the Just Landlords blog.
Fresh research from GoCompare Home Insurance has revealed that the importance of ‘location, location, location’ for property hunters is on the decline.
Instead, the survey indicates that when choosing a property, the focus is now moving to a good broadband connection.
Changing Values
The report uncovered that the most desirable features for homebuyers are a good neighbourhood, with low crime rates and good access to shops, schools and GP.
In addition, the survey discovered would-be homebuyers are increasingly valuing superfast broadband, a good mobile-phone signal and satellite TV.
The top-ten most desirable home location and facilities features were found to be:
Most desirable home location/facilities | % | |
1 | A good area or neighbourhood | 66 |
2 | An area with a low crime rate | 59 |
3 | Good proximity to local shops | 51 |
4 | Near a good GP or dentist surgery | 44 |
5 | A good, reliable broadband connection sufficiently strong to stream TV and films | 43 |
6 | Reliable and clear mobile phone signal | 42 |
7 | Superfast broadband | 39 |
8 | A land-line telephone | 33 |
9 | Bus, tram or underground stop nearby | 31 |
10 | Satellite TV | 27 |
Priorities of homebuyers are changing
Changing Factor
Ben Wilson, from GoCompare Home Insurance, noted: ‘Location will always be a key factor for homebuyers. After all, while you can improve a property – you can’t move it. But it is too simple these days to say that it is the only consideration. Homeowners also expect to be connected in a way that wasn’t envisaged even 10 years ago. They will want to know about the transport infrastructure and communications as much as the schools, shops and amenities.’[1]