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What are property hunters most deterred by?
This article is an external press release originally published on the Landlord News website, which has now been migrated to the Just Landlords blog.
Interesting new research from national estate agent, Jackson-Stops & Staff, reveals a number of features that would put people off from moving property.
The survey of 1,000 people across England and Wales suggests 69% of property hunters would be unwilling to move in should the neighbours play loud music.
63% would not stand for neighbours who engaged in noisy activities, such as parties or DIY, three times per week.
Financial incentives would encourage some movers however, with 29% saying that they would put up with noise if they could negotiate on price.
Younger buyers were found to be more accustomed to noise and therefore be more accepting. Just 35% of 18-24 year old say that they wouldn’t move into a property should they hear loud bass. On the other hand, 86% of over 55s said they wouldn’t move into a property such as this.
Other main deterrents were found to be living close to a pub or nightclub, with 62% of respondents saying this would certainly put them off.
Noise from trains, planes and automobiles is far more accepted by buyers of all ages, than noise from their direct-neighbours.
What are property hunters most deterred by?
Nick Leeming, Jackson-Stops & Staff Chairman, noted: ‘Our research shows that while many sellers are primarily focused on what their house looks like when preparing it for sale, a huge consideration to potential buyers is the surrounding noise they may encounter on viewings. Next door neighbours making a racket with music, parties, drilling and similar activities is the greatest irritant to potential buyers and for many people will be an absolute barrier to buying that home. ‘Pleasant’ noise like church bells ringing or farmyard animals are most likely to be overlooked by house hunters entirely, proving that not all noise is vexatious.’
‘Our research also shows that noise blights generated by transportation links such as passing trains, aeroplanes and road traffic are far more acceptable to buyers, especially if they are able to get a discount on a home impacted by these. With the benefits of interconnectivity more recognised than ever before, the noises generated by transportation hubs are much more acceptable to those looking to buy a home in proximity to them,’ he added.[1]
[1] http://www.propertyreporter.co.uk/property/majority-of-house-hunters-put-off-by-loud-music.html