This article is an external press release originally published on the Landlord News website, which has now been migrated to the Just Landlords blog.
UK rents are expected to rise much faster than property prices over the next three years, according to the chief operating officer of one of Britain’s leading property franchises.
Dorian Gonsalves of Belvoir, suggests there will be a 15% increase in rents by 2020. This, he feels, is due to, ‘a raft of recent anti-landlord Government policies in the past year,’ though he notes the rent rises will vary depending on region.
Buy-to-let measures
New measures introduced, including the new 3% stamp duty rise and tougher mortgage lending criteria, could well see many landlords making a loss. Gonsalves also believes that the Government’s failure to improve the availability of social housing for rent has led to a shortage of quality rental accommodation in the private rental sector.
Mr Gonsalves believes: ‘’Throughout 2017 Belvoir will continue to work with decision makers and we hope that some of the Government’s recent changes will either be reversed or incentives will be launched to help drive up the supply of rental properties. This would then bring down rents and benefit millions of tenants, making for a healthier rental sector.’[1]
The most recent rental index from the firm reveals that 88% of offices had recorded an increase in demand for properties to rent during Q3 of 2016. However, a huge 86% of tenants-around 6m households-had less than the £8,838 needed to secure a 5% deposit on the average home. This means that they are hugely unlikely to be able to buy a property.
Rents set to increase by 15% by 2020?
Continuing, Gonsalves said: ‘People from all walks of life, including students, migrant workers and professionals with families, are struggling to meet strigent lender affordability ratios.’[1]
‘When someone is not in a position to buy, they obviously start looking for somewhere to rent, but unfortunately, Government policies seem to lack any direction and have done nothing to benefit either landlords or tenants, so tenants could find it more difficult to find good quality suitable accommodation in 2017 and beyond,’ he concluded.[1]