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Report indicates most renters have seen damp issues
This article is an external press release originally published on the Landlord News website, which has now been migrated to the Just Landlords blog.
A concerning new study has revealed that the majority of private renters have seen problems with sub-standard drainage or damp, according to a new study.
The survey of 1,000 tenants, carried out by drainage company Lanes Group, indicated that 85% of respondents had experienced issues with poor drainage or damp at a point during their tenancy agreement.
Worryingly, 29% of those who said they had seen problems said they had received no help from their landlord.
Most commonly, tenants saw problems with constant damp on walls and near windows.
Next came dripping taps, bad odours from drains and poorly-fitted appliances. Others said they saw problems with water pressure, blocked drains, leaking pipes and flooding.
Report indicates most renters have seen damp issues
Capital Drain Pains
Tenants in the capital are most likely to see drainage problems than anywhere else in the UK. 90% of renters in London said they had been in touch with their landlord with regard to plumbing issues.
Michelle Ringland, head of marketing at Lanes Group, noted: ‘Keeping properties maintained is a real challenge for landlords, particularly as you can’t control tenants’ habits. Having adequate drainage facilities installed and carrying out regular checks by professionals will go a long way in keeping drainage systems in rented properties running correctly.’[1]
‘This should be supplemented by giving tenants clear information on what they should and shouldn’t put down drains,’ Ringland added.[1]
If you have or are experiencing issues with damp related problems, see our guide on combating these situations.
[1] https://www.landlordtoday.co.uk/breaking-news/2017/1/majority-of-renters-have-encountered-damp-and-drainage-problems