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Right to Rent could be altered due to Brexit
This article is an external press release originally published on the Landlord News website, which has now been migrated to the Just Landlords blog.
The controversial Right to Rent scheme could well be about to be amended due to the Brexit vote.
This scheme has caused controversy since its inception, with landlords and letting agents obliged to check their tenants’ right to live within the United Kingdom.
Queen’s Speech
This week’s Queen Speech saw her majesty outlined proposals for eight Bills, which pending the Government forming a majority, will have to be rubber-stamped ahead of Britain’s departure from the EU.
One of these Bill’s is the Immigration Bill.
Right to Rent could be altered due to Brexit
A statement from the Speech earlier this week stated: ‘With the repeal of the European Communities Act, it will be necessary to establish new powers concerning the immigration status of EEA nationals. The Bill will allow the government to control the number of people coming here from Europe while still allowing us to attract the brightest and the best. The Bill will:
- allow the repeal of EU law on immigration, mostly free movement, that will otherwise be saved and converted into UK law by the Repeal Bill;
- make the migration of EU nationals and their families subject to relevant UK law once the Britain has left the EU
There was no specific timetable given for the Immigration Bill.