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RLA Membership has Hit a Huge 30,000 Landlords
This article is an external press release originally published on the Landlord News website, which has now been migrated to the Just Landlords blog.
A huge 30,000 landlords are now members of the Residential Landlords Association (RLA), just 18 months after RLA membership hit the 20,000 mark.
RLA Membership has Hit a Huge 30,000 Landlords
The RLA was set up in 1998 by landlords, for landlords. The not-for-profit organisation, which is Britain’s leading landlord body, has seen huge growth in recent years. It now represents landlords with a total property portfolio of over 340,000 homes.
RLA membership gives landlords access to its helpline, training programmes and essential documents.
In the past year, the association has answered 40,000 helpline calls, trained more than 4,000 landlords, and provided over 297,000 documents.
The RLA is also lobbying in the corridors of Westminster, attending more than 100 parliamentary meetings to campaign on behalf of its members.
Following the huge increase in RLA membership, the body is extending a thank you to all of its members for helping the association become the leading voice for landlords across England and Wales.
The Chairman of the RLA, Alan Ward, says: “This is a massive achievement for the RLA, and something we could only dream of when the association was first established almost 20 years ago.
“The private rented sector is a challenging landscape to negotiate, with tax changes and ever-changing regulation meaning that now, more than ever, landlords need someone they can trust to help them navigate their way through.”
He continues: “In the last 18 months alone, 10,000 landlords have turned to us to do just that, with membership going from strength to strength.
“We would like to say a huge thank you to our members and assure them we will continue to fight on their behalf to make renting safe, legal and secure for everyone.”
Even if you are a member of the RLA, remember that you can receive the latest news and updates for FREE by signing up to Landlord News here: www.