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RLA offers online fire safety course for landlords
This article is an external press release originally published on the Landlord News website, which has now been migrated to the Just Landlords blog.
Buy-to-let landlords looking for fire safety guidance following the Grenfell Tower tragedy can access an online fire safety course, launched by the Residential Landlords Association.
This new course will cover different regulation relating to fire safety, including HMO Manager regulations and Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm (England) regulations 2015.
Property Types
The course covers different building and property types and all types of legislation that apply, alongside a practical guide to conducting fire risk assessments to protect both tenants and property from fire.
Prices are available from £16 for RLA members and £20 for non-members.
RLA offers online fire safety course for landlords
RLA trainer Carrie Kus, noted: ‘The horrific loss of life following the Grenfell Tower disaster has left the whole nation in shock and landlords from all tenures are now asking if they are doing enough. The legislation relating to fire safety in the private sector is complex and varies depending on the type of building and how it is leased out.’
‘This course takes this complex area and breaks it down making it easy for the average landlord and managing agent to disseminate what they need to do to keep their tenants and their properties safe from fire,’ she continued.[1]
Landlords should also source our free comprehensive guide to Fire Safety, available in our Guides section.
[1] https://www.landlordtoday.co.uk/breaking-news/2017/9/new-online-fire-safety-course-for-landlords