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RLA wants Rent Smart Wales deadline extended
This article is an external press release originally published on the Landlord News website, which has now been migrated to the Just Landlords blog.
There have been fresh calls to extend the registration deadline for Rent Smart Wales, which is looming next week (23rd November).
The scheme requires anyone who rents out property in the country to either register or become licensed by this date.
However, the Residential Landlords Association said that many investors in Wales are still unaware of their obligations.
Rent Smart Wales said that landlords were given plenty of notice to register and therefore would not be extending the deadline.
Worryingly, A Freedom of Information request by the Residential Landlords Association indicated that just 32,230 landlords had registered by the 18th October. This is out of a total of 130,000.
These figures were released by Cardiff council, which is administering the scheme for Wales as a whole.
Mr Douglas Haig, RLA director for Wales said that he was to write to Community Secretary Carl Sargeant to request a new deadline, in order for landlords to be further educated on their responsibilities.
Despite this, Rent Smart Wales has argued that there has been a large increase in people registering as the deadline approaches. 46,300 of the 130,000 landlords in question have now registered, with another 11,400 starting the process.
Haig feels that communication has been ‘poor’ and that ‘very few’ landlords are aware of the scheme. In addition, he notes that others are leaving it till the last minute as registration licences last for five years from the date they are approved, not November 23rd.
‘I don’t think it’s asking a lot for the Welsh Government or Cardiff council to come forth with an education plan to get this information out there. That would be a sensible approach,’ Haig explained.[1]
RLA wants Rent Smart Wales deadline extended
No changes
Responding to these calls, a Rent Smart Wales spokesman said: ‘We have no intention of extending the deadline. However, we do recognise that, due to the very high numbers of landlords visiting the website to register and apply for licenses, some are experiencing difficulties.’[1]
‘The Rent Smart Wales team consists of 79 posts and the team are working hard to reduce waiting times for customers. Once the November 23rd deadline for complying has passed, enforcement powers will be used in a sensible and proportionate manner,’ they concluded.[1]
[1] http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-37939620