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Rogue landlord jailed for Capital Gains Tax fraud
This article is an external press release originally published on the Landlord News website, which has now been migrated to the Just Landlords blog.
A private landlord has been put behind bars after failing to declare Capital Gains Tax from the sale of his rental properties.
Mr Richard Fuller did not declare the profit he had gained from the sales of several properties in Aldershot between 2006 and 2013.
Fuller, arrested in October, evaded £157,725 in payments.
Cheating and Fraud
The rogue landlord was found guilty of cheating the public revenue and of fraud by false representation last month. He was subsequently jailed at Winchester Crowd Court last week on August 11th.
Judge A Barnett told Mr Fuller on sentencing: ‘The jury found you guilty of dishonesty. This is a serious matter, you deliberately failed to pay your Capital Gains Tax over several years.’[1]
Commenting on the case, Richard Wilkinson, assistant director of HMRC’s Fraud Investigation Service, said: ‘Fuller thought he was above the law and decided not to declare or pay the tax due from the sale of some of his property portfolio. It is simply not acceptable to steal from UK taxpayers. HMRC will continue to pursue those who attempt to hide their gains on assets, their income, and investigate those who attack the tax system.’[1]
Rogue landlord jailed for Capital Gains Tax fraud
The investigation of Mr Fuller formed part of a wider investigation from HMRC’s property taskforce campaign. HMRC says that since May 2011, over 140 taskforces have been launched – bringing in more than £540m in proceeds of crime.
[1] https://www.landlordtoday.co.uk/breaking-news/2017/8/landlord-jailed-for-capital-gains-fraud