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Selling a property most stressful life event
This article is an external press release originally published on the Landlord News website, which has now been migrated to the Just Landlords blog.
A new survey has revealed that selling a property is the most stressful life event.
The study, conducted in the summer of 2016 by Vivo Property Buyers, found that selling a home is more stressful than having a baby, moving job roles and planning a wedding.
Ensuring a guaranteed sale, alongside receiving the highest possible price are two significant factors that were important to house sellers, thus contributed most to their stress levels.
Jantiene Sobry, co-founder of Vivo Property Buyers, agreed with the findings, noting: ‘this is very true and completely understandable. It is the biggest asset most people will ever own and the process is long and daunting. It is the unknowns which make it a stressful event in your life.’[1]
‘This is exactly the reason why we set up Vivo Property Buyers. It seemed that within the property industry, there was only one known way to sell your house: selling on the open market. There is a real niche in the market to create a stress-free guaranteed house sale process without having to jump an endless amount of hoops,’ she added.[1]
Selling a property most stressful life event
Further results from the survey revealed that short-term loan companies are the least trusted in the industry. In addition, the average time people estimate it will take to sell their property is between three and six months.
The most popular choice of selling a home is through a local estate agent.
What’s more, the survey found that there is still a stigma attached to the property buying industry, in comparison to local estate agents. However, Rupert Sobry, husband of Jantiene, remains optimistic.
‘Luckily, organisations such as the Property Ombudsman came into play to regulate the industry and protect consumers. Still, unfamiliarity breeds concern. It’s human nature to be suspicious about new things. Hopefully regulated Fast Property Buyers will soon be seen as equals to estate agents. Sellers can make their choice as to how they would like to sell but at least they have several options as opposed to only one option in the past,’ he observed.[1]
[1] http://www.propertyreporter.co.uk/property/survey-reveals-that-selling-a-house-is-the-most-stressful-life-event.html