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Specialist buy-to-let range announced at Together
This article is an external press release originally published on the Landlord News website, which has now been migrated to the Just Landlords blog.
Today has seen Together announce a new specialist buy-to-let product range, which is designed to give support to property investors looking to extend their portfolios.
The product, aimed at landlords and investors with many properties, alongside those looking to get finance for Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) or commercial properties.
A new loan size of £2m is available for first charge applications, on both standard and specialist buy-to-let products, spanning most property times. In addition, the maximum loan for second charge has risen to £500,000.
Marc Goldberg, commercial CEO of Together, noted: ‘We’re seeing continued demand for buy-to-let funding, with an increase of 44 per cent in 2016, so we’ve developed this new product range to support property investors as they build their portfolios. As a leading buy-to-let lender, we’re committed to improving and enhancing our products in line with market needs, and our increased loan size of £2 million is reflective of the growing demand for larger loans.’[1]
Specialist buy-to-let range announced at Together
‘The buy-to-let sector is in a period of transition, and whilst there are a lot of changes taking place, it’s also an exciting time for the market as it adapts and evolves. In fact, we’re seeing that long-term investors are not being deterred, but are perhaps focusing on lower loan-to-values and using larger deposits to take the various changes into account,’ he added.[1]
[1] http://www.propertyreporter.co.uk/landlords/together-announce-specialist-btl-range.html