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Stamp Duty Deadline Causes Huge Drop in Buy-to-Let Borrowing
This article is an external press release originally published on the Landlord News website, which has now been migrated to the Just Landlords blog.
The 1st April Stamp Duty deadline has caused a huge monthly drop in buy-to-let lending, according to the latest Council of Mortgage Lenders (CML) report.
Landlords borrowed £2.5 billion in April, down by a huge 65% on March and 7% on the previous year. A total of 16,100 loans were approved, down by 64% compared to the previous month and 10% on April 2015.
Stamp Duty Deadline Causes Huge Drop in Buy-to-Let Borrowing
As of 1st April, buy-to-let landlords and second homebuyers are charged an extra 3% in Stamp Duty on property purchases. This caused a rush of investors to flood the market in the first three months of the year.
Homeowners borrowed £8.1 billion for house purchase in April, down by 40% on the month and 4% annually. They took out 47,300 loans, down by 31% on March and 5% on April last year.
The report also found that first time buyers borrowed £3.9 billion, marking a decline of 11% month-on-month, but up by 15% on the year. This equated to 25,100 loans, down by 9% on March, but up by 7% yearly.
Those moving home borrowed £4.3 billion, down by a significant 53% on March and 14% compared to the previous year. This represented 22,200 loans, down by 46% monthly and 15% year-on-year.
Remortgage borrowing totalled £6 billion in April, up by 25% on March and 40% on April 2015. This came to 34,800 loans, up by 23% on the month and 30% on last year.
The Director of e.surv chartered surveyors, Richard Sexton, comments on the figures: “Concerns about a potential Brexit could account for a slight lending market slowdown, with May seeing house purchase loans total 65,113 – down 1.7% from April. Alongside this, lenders are adapting to much calmer market conditions after the rush of buy-to-let activity at the start of the year.
“Lending to first time buyers in particular has eased off slightly on a monthly basis, as a temporary caution enters the market. But lenders are committed to helping first timers get a foot on the property ladder in the long run. Since last year, significant effort has been made to support first timers through a variety of flexible mortgage deals offering low rates and even enabling family support.”
Sexton adds: “Buy-to-let borrowing may also be taking a breather, but the lending market remains buoyant. A remortgaging rush shows no sign of slowing as we approach summer, with homeowners taking advantage of more mortgage options, rising wages and a static interest rate. All this activity suggests that the next couple of months will see an increasingly resilient and balanced lending environment.”