Bogus Landlord Conned £1,600 Out of Tenant in Airbnb ScamBy Em Morley (she/they)|2023-11-20T12:24:58+00:0030th January 2017|
Airbnb 90 day limit should be introduced in other cities-AIICBy Em Morley (she/they)|2023-11-20T12:20:37+00:0022nd December 2016|
Landlords, Check Your Properties for Illegal SublettingBy Em Morley (she/they)|2023-11-20T12:19:57+00:0016th December 2016|
Concerns raised over Airbnb short letsBy Em Morley (she/they)|2023-11-20T12:17:28+00:0022nd November 2016|
Airbnb listings achieve twice the rent of long-term lets in the capitalBy Em Morley (she/they)|2023-11-20T12:14:29+00:001st November 2016|
Short-Term Lets May be Breaching LeasesBy Em Morley (she/they)|2023-11-20T12:13:22+00:0021st October 2016|
Short-Term Let Horror Stories Highlight Importance of Lettings MarketBy Em Morley (she/they)|2024-06-12T08:04:56+00:0017th June 2016|