How Will Brexit Affect the London Property Market?By Em Morley (she/they)|2023-11-20T12:01:31+00:0030th June 2016|
UK house prices up in June despite Brexit uncertaintyBy Em Morley (she/they)|2023-11-20T12:01:29+00:0030th June 2016|
First Time Buyer House Prices Now at Record HighBy Em Morley (she/they)|2023-11-20T12:01:23+00:0029th June 2016|
Mortgage Lending Soars in May, But Uncertainty is Expected for the Near FutureBy Em Morley (she/they)|2023-11-20T12:01:19+00:0028th June 2016|
Homeowners Discouraged from Selling Following Brexit VoteBy Em Morley (she/they)|2023-11-20T12:01:18+00:0028th June 2016|
Half of Working Britons Have Seen No Rise in Living Standards Since Early 2000sBy Em Morley (she/they)|2023-11-20T12:01:14+00:0028th June 2016|
London House Prices Drop by £40,000 Following BrexitBy Em Morley (she/they)|2023-11-20T12:01:07+00:0027th June 2016|
Could Brexit be beneficial for landlords?By Em Morley (she/they)|2023-11-20T12:01:04+00:0027th June 2016|
London Property Market Will Prove Resilient to Brexit, Says Investment FirmBy Em Morley (she/they)|2023-11-20T12:01:05+00:0027th June 2016|
“The Only Certainty is Uncertainty”, Says HomeOwners Alliance Following BrexitBy Em Morley (she/they)|2024-06-11T09:19:54+00:0025th June 2016|
PCL market to be hardest hit by referendum resultBy Em Morley (she/they)|2023-11-20T12:00:57+00:0024th June 2016|
How will Brexit result affect the property market?By Em Morley (she/they)|2023-11-20T12:00:55+00:0024th June 2016|