Number of buy-to-let landlords is fallingBy Em Morley (she/they)|2023-11-20T12:51:15+00:0011th September 2017|
Buy-to-let alterations could result in stock surgeBy Em Morley (she/they)|2023-11-20T12:50:33+00:005th September 2017|
Rogue landlord fined for illegally evicting tenantBy Em Morley (she/they)|2023-11-20T12:50:27+00:004th September 2017|
What causes landlords’ biggest anxieties?By Em Morley (she/they)|2023-11-20T12:50:26+00:004th September 2017|
£2.5bn per year being given to landlords letting substandard homesBy Em Morley (she/they)|2023-11-20T12:50:22+00:004th September 2017|
44% of landlords making alterations following tax changesBy Em Morley (she/they)|2024-06-11T09:08:22+00:001st September 2017|
Where are London’s next buy-to-let hotspots?By Em Morley (she/they)|2023-11-20T12:50:09+00:0031st August 2017|
Another estate agent calls for reduction to Stamp DutyBy Em Morley (she/they)|2023-11-20T12:49:46+00:0030th August 2017|
Landlords increasing rents and reviewing portfolio sizesBy Em Morley (she/they)|2024-06-11T10:34:53+00:0030th August 2017|
Stamp Duty has raised £2bn already from investorsBy Em Morley (she/they)|2023-11-20T12:49:38+00:0025th August 2017|
Almost one-third of landlords plan on increasing rentsBy Em Morley (she/they)|2023-11-20T12:48:59+00:0022nd August 2017|
Rogue landlords still letting to illegal tenantsBy Em Morley (she/they)|2023-11-20T12:48:52+00:0021st August 2017|