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TDS encourages organisations to apply for funding
This article is an external press release originally published on the Landlord News website, which has now been migrated to the Just Landlords blog.
Organisations supporting private landlords and tenants have been invited to ask for a share of a £70,000 funding pot.
The TDS Charitable Foundation is designed to assist in driving up standard in the private rental sector.
For 2016, the amount of money available to fund projects aimed at improving the sector has been increased. Both landlords and tenants have been urged to submit their bids before the deadline, which is on Wednesday 10th August.
Specifically, the Foundation is looking at making funds available to commission a feasibility study, which will look at establishing a research centre for the PRS in England and Wales.
Examples of organisations who have successfully applied for funding in the past include Designs on Property Ltd. This firm was awarded £15,000 to fund a group of 12 independent reports on the sector. The first of these looked at the typical trends of a buy-to-let landlord and was published this month.
TDS encourages organisations to apply for funding
Leading property expert Kate Faulkner observed, ‘without the funding from the TDS Charitable Foundation we would not have been able to carry out this independent research, which I believe is vital if we are to fully understand the industry in which we work and start challenging the misperceptions surrounding the private rented sector.’[1]
‘I’d never applied for funding before but there was plenty of support available at every stage of the process and I would really encourage anyone who thinks they have a project that meets the objectives of the foundation to apply,’ she added.[1]
Prof Martin Partington, chairman of TDS and the TDS Charitable Foundation, said, ‘our not-for profit status enables us to use part our surplus income to raise standards in the industry we serve by reinvesting in education and training and promoting best practice and as an organisation this is something we are passionate about.’[1]
[1] https://www.landlordtoday.co.uk/breaking-news/2016/7/funds-available-to-help-raise-standards-in-the-private-rented-sector