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Training scheme to drive up standards in the PRS
This article is an external press release originally published on the Landlord News website, which has now been migrated to the Just Landlords blog.
The UK Apartment Association (UKAA) has moved to launch a new training programme, aimed at improving the standards of service in the private rental sector.
In addition, the scheme is designed to professionalise the rental market.
Best practice
This training scheme will bring together all stakeholders from the sector, helping to share best practices for the ever-changing market. The overall view is to assist operators’ focus on putting tenants at the centre of their business.
Training will be delivered by the UKAA’s training partner Livewire Experientialists, an expert in hospitality and global specialists in industry information.
Michael Green, chief executive of the UKAA, observed, ‘as well as providing a much-needed platform for the professional rental sector, the UKAA’s remit is to drive up professional standards and our educational training sessions are a central part of that.’[1]
Training scheme to drive up standards in the PRS
Customer service
Mr Green also believes that providing high levels of customer service is imperative, given the evolving nature of the UK rental market. Many tenants are becoming increasingly disillusioned with the standard of service that they are currently receiving.
All delegates taking part in the scheme, aimed at staff of all levels, will obtain essential skills, through which they can get better service.
Audra Lamoon, managing director at Livewire Experientialists, noted, ‘the property industry can learn a huge amount from the retail, hotel and leisure sectors in terms of providing outstanding levels of service and understanding hospitality and branding.’[1]
‘This training aims to empower everyone providing services within the private rental sector to really embrace and deliver on the brand promise and customer experience. Done right, through memorable customer service, operators can make their developments stand out and become the destination of choice,’ Lamoon added.[1]
[1] https://www.landlordtoday.co.uk/breaking-news/2016/7/new-training-scheme-to-help-improve-standards-of-service-in-the-prs