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Vulnerable families in Govanhill exploited by rogue landlords
This article is an external press release originally published on the Landlord News website, which has now been migrated to the Just Landlords blog.
A new investigation from the BBC has exposed how rogue landlords in the Govanhill region of Glasgow are exploiting vulnerable families.
The report shows a number of people are being forced to live in substandard accommodation.
Somewhat alarmingly, Govanhill is the first minister’s constituency.
According to the investigation, a number of de-registered landlords are continuing to work in the area, despite being officially struck off. In addition, it shows that public money is being utilised to acquire so-called slum-housing.
Rachel Moon, of Govanhill Law Centre told BBC Scotland that a number of properties in the region are in a very poor condition. Some are even without running water and are being occupied by young families with newborn babies.
Moon observed, ‘the audacity of some of the landlords is totally remarkable. We must have had 12 cases in five weeks of slum landlords moving into property that was being demolished. They were changing locks, making up fake tenancy agreements and putting signs in the window saying the property was for rent.’[1]
Vulnerable families in Govanhill exploited by rogue landlords
‘People were phoning the number, paying the deposit and the first month’s rent. But obviously this was not a legal tenancy so the clients were then losing their property,’ she continued.[1]
Staying in business
Chief Inspector Graham McInarlin of Police Scotland, said that they were aware of landlords having been struck off, but remained in business.
He said, ‘they take over a derelict property, take several months of rent up front and in actual fact they don’t own the flat in the first place.’[1]
Mr McInarlin also said that one in seventeen landlords from the region has a trading standards case against them.
[1] https://www.landlordtoday.co.uk/breaking-news/2016/8/vulnerable-families-being-exploited-by-rogue-landlord-bbc-report-claims