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Younger property owners turning to social media for home improvements
This article is an external press release originally published on the Landlord News website, which has now been migrated to the Just Landlords blog.
Interesting new research from Pentific.com has revealed that more than half of young homeowners a looking to social media in order to carry out home improvements or running repairs.
The likes of YouTube and other social media platforms are now becoming invaluable to many youngsters who are looking to problem solve issues in their property.
34% of those surveyed by Plentific said that they look online for information in order to help them with any home repairs. Some prefer the old-fashioned method of phoning a friend (30%) or their parents (13%).
When work is carried out, 56% said that they entrust the help of a professional in order to get the job finished to a good standard. This figure rises to 68% in London.
27% said that they were more likely to call a tradesman to carry out any works, as opposed to carrying out work themselves. This suggests that many people are investing more into their properties in terms of appearance, rather than money-saving methods.
Younger property owners turning to social media for home improvements
For DIY, younger property owners are more reliant on their parents to carry out these amendments. In addition, the research suggests one-fifth of homeowners rely on the bank of Mum and Dad to fund these improvements.
Stephen Jury, spokesperson for Plentific, observed: ‘With technology evolving at such a rapid pace, it’s not really surprising to see the modern way in which homeowners are trying to learn how to do small DIY jobs or repairs.’[1]
‘The ease of finding information on Google or viewing a ‘How To’ video on YouTube means these could be the first things people look to. But when it comes to actually getting the job done, our data shows the majority of homeowners call in the experts for top quality work,’ Mr Jury added.[1]
[1] http://www.propertyreporter.co.uk/household/young-homeowners-turn-to-social-media-for-home-improvements.html